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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Toddler's Last Stand

You may not see it immediately...but this is the face of a warrior that has the strength and will of a million generals
(um, or in my household, admirals...but, to be honest, that doesn't seem to have the same word power...)

the battle lines were clearly drawn...

You would think that a 30 pound toddler would be the underdog...

But underdogs know how to use their strengths and their opponents weaknesses to their advantage...they use manuevers such as the "floor-wallering"

They even make you believe that they are letting you win at some point...

then they out-manuever you in another "floor wallering" move...

but eventually, the shear length of the battle can wear on even the most trained warrior...

and mom wins and the legos are returned to their rightful place!

{Disclaimer: grabbing the camera when you toddler is in the midst of a battle-of-wills is a move done at your own risk. It worked in my advantage in the Battle of the Legos!}


Janna said...

Well at least he's still adorable while in battle :)

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