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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Overcoming Fear

Sometimes we don't want to be where God and life's circumstances place us...

and we most definitly do not want to be sitting out on that ledge by ourselves...

but sometimes all we need is someone to hold us and whisper in our ear "It will be okay..."

because when we have company in the scary places that we sometimes have to be, things don't look so bad...

I am very grateful for the people in my life that are whispering in my ear right now... you make my ledge seem a lot less scary...
thank you.


Jaime said...

Hang in there! It can be scary, but it's good to know He has a plan with it all. :)

LauraC said...

This is one of the best posts I've read in a long time! Love the photos along with the lesson!

Unknown said...

Your son is your DH's mini-me. I wish you peace our on your ledge :)

Love said...

yes, i'm thankful for those people, too!! these pictures/sentiments are precious!

[and it's totally okay that you told me that.]

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